Car Show Picture Galleries:
   Front Veiw
   Side Veiw
   Engine Bay
   Rear End
   AVO - Plant
   Other Great Fords
   Other Shots
Customer Car Galleries:
   Christhian Gallegos
   Daniel Affolter
   Duane Gatland
   Gavin Burns
   George Conditsis
   Hans Heusinkveld
   James Jordan
   Juliet Gold
   Kevin Darnell
   Martti's Mexico
   Neil Cooper
   Peter Meganck
   Pete Moffat
   Stephen Tilburn
   Steve Ward
   Victor Thompson
Freston Ford Fraternity


The cars are the stars

Something to "whet your appetite"? Looking for a particular detail? or something to provoke you back to that restoration


 Hold your mouse pointer over the thumnail to see a bigger image

Other shots - Me & Mine



After 20 years in a garage, you'd look a bit rough too!new_gallery_layout
My Third Office
Me Raliegh Grifter With Integral Frisbee Holder!
Brother & Sister
My "Other Woman"
My Old E
My Last Motorbike
My Second "Office"
First Show, Donnington 2006
My First "Office"