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James Jordans Twin Cam

Updated 08/04/2014

End of update.


Flemming Rassmussen from Denmark bought a Mk1 Twin Cam from Ford and raced it from 1968.  The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is believed to have been BB49HC24886.  The VIN number indicates it as being a very early Halewood May 1968 Lotus TwinCam Escort. 

Flemming MK1 (1)

Chassis  Number 2

Flemming  had an accident on track at and wrecked the car. Bo “Emma” Emanuelsson bought the damaged car from Flemming and repaired it for racing

(Picture of crash2)

The repaired car was raced by Bo in 1969. He proceeded to scrap the car/shell as he believed it to be un-safe.

Extract from Bo /Raymond e-mail”  4/11/2013
The car that he bought from Flemming is not this car! That was repaired and raced by Bo in a red colour with sponsring from a Swedish magasin *BILSPORT'. So, we can forget the story with Flemming....... What happened to that car he don't remember. He also said that that car should never have been repaired!!! It was so badly damaged.  But as we talked the memory came back, so we will keep contact if something new comes up.”

Bo then purchased a new heavy duty Shell from British Vita in the UK (Bo stamped BB49HC24886 number from Flemings car on inner wing)  E-mail extract from Ralf  Petterson as result of request by Vincent Caro from the FIA sent Thu 3/21/2013 7:42 AM 

“Dear Mr. Jordan
I called Mr. Emanuelsson about his Escorts.
 He told me, that every year he built a new car from raw chassis he bought from GB.
The chassis numbers were stamped by himself.
He also built a lot of cars for customers.
 In 1970 he bought a crashed car from Denmark.
In 1971 he had a green/white (typo/Black) car with BRM engine and injection
In 1972 he had a blue/white Timex car with 1800cc BDA engine
In 1973 he had a 2-litre BDA engined car
 Best regards

2 Chemin de Blandonnet CH 1215 Geneva 15 - Switzerland
Commission Internationale de Karting (CIK-FIA)
Phone : +41 22 544 4400
Fax : + 41 22 544 4450
Email :
Web :

His mechanics Raymond Pettersson and Paul Engstroem completed the preparation the car for competition. 

 Paul and Ray with car when Green and Black (very old picture)

Extract from Bo /Raymond e-mail”  4/11/2013
The Green / Black car was built from a new, emty bodyshell in Bo,s garage in Gothenburg by Bo and his mecanic Paul Engstroem.. He do not remember but he had some thoughts that the emty shell was bought  from British Wita (British Vita) or any other company connected to Ford Motorsport. He had also ordered a BDA from BRM, but they could not deliver due to they were full up with their Formula one project. Therefore they let Bo use one of their own Twin-Cams for the season 1971. He is not shure if the engine were sent back to BRM or if they sold it in Sweden. The car had a ZF 5-speed gearbox, 4-link rear suspention with watt-link and coilovers. The leafspring was just a dummy due to the regulations. The car was right hand drive.”

British Vita was contracted by Ford/Boreham to prepare under contract FTW47H cars for Ford.

Car had been modified for race purposes with inboard turrets, enlarged Gearbox tunnel, and rear wheel-well tubs cut and raised inside car to enable it to run lower.  4 link rear end similar to FTW47H (on sale at Oakfields Vita prepared one of the 3 contract world cup cars.  


Bo Raced in Twin cam livery with a BRM twin cam from 1969 to 1971 car was painted Black and Green results on separate sheet

BRM Twin Cam in Green and Black car

  Bo struck a deal with Timex to run a sponsored team 6 Cars & Drivers

Bo’s MK1 was the first of the Timex cars and his personal race car.

Extract from Bo /Raymond e-mail  4/11/2013
“Hallo James and Par.
I have now spent 45 minutes with Bo. We tried together to find out the proper history of the car. He has also seen your pictures and he is shure and can confirm it is his old car !! “

Bo/Timex painted the car in TIMEX (Blue and white) colors with a BDA

Bo/Timex Installed a BDA 1790cc and raced by Bo through 1972

Bo Emmaneulason/Timex  won the Swedish Touring championship in 1972

Andres Waerner also raced car through end or 1973. Extract from from Vincent CARO FIA 3/20/2013

The entry list of that event shows that there were other Escort BDA entered by the Timex Racing Team : the one of Bo « Emma » Samuelsson, used by Ronnie Peterson, plus two others, driven by Lennart Hall (Sweden) and Better Diesen (Norway). A Timex Escort BDA has also been driven by Sweden’s Anders Waerner (but in 1972 apparently).

2 Chemin de Blandonnet CH 1215 Geneva 15 - Switzerland
Commission Internationale de Karting (CIK-FIA)
Phone : +41 22 544 4400
Fax : + 41 22 544 4450
Email :
Web :


Reportage av Christer Wallinder, Bilsport nr 9 1972

Ronnie Peterson drog som nybliven mästare i sportvagns-VM stora publikmassor inför sin första start i en standardbil. Han hade hyrt en Capri av tyska Ford och den bil han fick hade blivit tia på Le Mans. Ford satsade hårt på tävlingen och hade skickat upp sin nye tävlingsmanager Michael Kranefuss plus två mycket skickliga mekaniker. Bilen, som enligt Teknikens Värld kostade närmare 150.000:-, var i perfekt skick - motorn gav omkring 290 hk och skjutsade iväg ekipaget 270 km/h på långa raksträckor (typ Le Mans). Mot Ronnie ställdes hela den svenska eliten utom STP-gänget som körde i Danmark.
Redan på torsdagen raderade Ronnie ut det gamla varvrekordet som tillhörde Bosse Ljungfeldt. Han åkte på 1.42,1 vid SM-tävlingen i maj och nu kom Ronnie ner på 1.39,2 utan att ta i nämnvärt. När den officiella träningen inleddes på lördagsmorgonen gick det dock inte lika fort. Banan var för kall för att ge riktigt bra tider, men Ronnie visade i vilket fall att han trivdes med bilen och fick till 1.43,2. Därmed distanserade han rejält Bo Emanuelsson som bara fick 1.45,5. Trea var Bosse Ridström i sin hembyggda Capri (50-60 hk svagare än Ronnie bil) med 1.45,9.
I det andra passet gick det fortare och Ronnie åkte på 1.42,8. Han hann dock inte köra många varv innan han kanade av på en oljefläck som Bosse Ljungfeldt lämnat efter sig då hans motor skar för fjärde gången i år. Emanuelsson hade fått bättre snurr på Escorten och var bara ett par tiondelar efter Ronnie. Trea var Lennart Hall med 1.43,4 före fantastiska Bengt Odelfors som hade 1.44,3. Ett hopp ner till Anders Waerner på 1.47,3, tiondelen före Tommy Jaegerwall.
Ronnie tog starten och även om BDA-Escorterna hängde med skapligt de första varven, hade de aldrig någon chans att hinna förbi Caprin. Avståndet ökade hela tiden och i mål var Ronnie 6,5 sekunder före "Emma" som i sin tur hade 5,0 sekunder tillgodo på Hall. Sten Axelsson låg fyra till sista varvet då något gick sönder i motorn och han tvingades åka sakta in i mål med ett blått oljemoln efter bilen. Ridström och Odelfors slogs hela tiden om femteplatsen. Ridström låg hela tiden först, men Odelfors hängde envist kvar. På sista varvet försökte han bromsa sig förbi i depåkurvan, men det misslyckades och han slog i Caprin flera gånger på sidan. Men Ridström kom i alla fall först ur böjen och höll undan över mållinjen. Jaegerwall blev sexa med den stora Alfan.
Ronnie varvar Birgitta Uppling i familjens Pommac-BMC

"Visst krängde och slängde det mer än i en sportvagn och man kunde inte köra lika fort i kurvorna - men kul var det!"
Ronnie fastställde det nya varvrekordet till 1.41,0.



Ronnie Peterson

Karlskoga MK

Ford Capri



Bo Emanuelsson

Göteborgs MF

Ford Escort BDA



Lennart Hall

Jönköpings MK

Ford Escort BDA



Bo Ridström


Ford Capri



Bengt Odelfors

Botkyrka MK

Ford Escort TC

14.07,2 (klass 2)


Tommy Jaegerwall

MK Scandia

Alfa Romeo GTAm



Jürg Bächi

Stockholms SVK

Opel Commadore



Björn Steenberg

Lidingö MK

Alfa Romeo GTAj

14.35,5 (klass 1)


Claes Rothstein

Halmstads AK

Alfa Romeo GTAj

14.35,6 (klass 1)


Sten Hultion

SMK Nyköping

Ford Escort TC

14.47,2 (klass 2)


Johnny Green

Karlskoga MK

Ford Escort 1300

15.00,1 (klass 1)


Hans Åström

Karlskoga MK

BMW 2002


Övriga säsonger i standardvagn:

Bo Emmaneulason second in the Swedish Touring championship in 1973

Car went back to Bo in 1973 and was sold off sometime afterwards. Not sure who to or date of sale

Car was bought and stored in somewhere in Stockholm to 1992 when it was then sold

Henrik Andersson from Kanalgatan 11A, 61231 Finsprang Sweden bought the shell from the dealer in Stockholm.  Henrik  installed drive train, convert to LHD, installed roll gage, and did some minor mod’s including  re-paint to the current paint scheme ready for the Yokohama cup. Car was fitted with a Volvo engine and rear axle. Herick had car inspected by Svenska Billsportforbundet  NR; 21-75 papers  competition papers issued. Henrick Raced the car in Sweden with a Volvo engine. (Note some details incorrect on papers)

Swedish Club papers

Wow, what a read! Words & pictures supplied by James Jordan. Billy.